Bishop/Pastor/Overseer William R. Gibson
Wife/Youth Leader
Sherry Gibson
Praise the Lord and welcome to our church website! We are glad you've stopped by! We hope that you will see that our church is full of God fearing saints who loves the Lord with all our hearts, souls, minds, and with all of our strength. We are not ashamed to worship the Lord and give to God praises by lifting our voices and hands up to the Lord. We are caring, loving people who enjoy's fellowship with our brothers and sisters on a regular basis. We love to talk about the Lord and the many blessings that he has gave to each of us.
Here at The Church of Jesus Christ we believe in true Holiness and thereby strive to live a holy and perfect life before Jesus Christ. We honor him by the way we dress, by the way talk, the way we act to one another, and by the the way we live our daily lives. We hope that you decide to stop by and see us at church. We would love to have you in service with us one day. If you have any question or comments don't hesitate to contact us! Have a blessed day in the name of Jesus Christ!
Background picture is the entrance to our camp grounds in Beech Creek, TN
God's Name
We believe that Jesus Christ is the name of God Almighty! Not Lord Jesus, Not Lord Jesus Christ, but Jesus Christ. Nothing added and nothing taking away. When you get a true revelation of who God is and what his name is than you will put it on the building.
"The Church of Jesus Christ"
It may be a surprise to some, but most holidays are flat out pagan. Early Christians adopted pagan beliefs and practices trying to convert the pagans to Christianity. Many traditions that Christians hold dear to today are symbolic gestures of the pagan occult traditions of over 2,000 years ago.
Church Doctrine
Salvation comes only through obedience to the Word of God. Which teaches repentance, baptism being fully submerged into water in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and being filled with the Holy Ghost, with the evidence of speaking in other tongues, as the Spirit of God gives utterance
Growing Through The Years
Proverbs 29:18 Where there is no vision, the people perish:
The Church of Jesus Christ was founded on January 16th 1983 by Bishop William R. Gibson. The first church service was on a Sunday morning with a total of thirteen people attending. On that morning Bishop William Gibson preached the first message and proclaimed that no Jesus name, Apostolic, or Pentecostal will preach in our church. Now 30 plus years later that message still remains the same. There has been no Jesus Name, Apostolic, or Pentecostal behind our pulpit. Only the Name of Jesus Christ has preached at our church! Since the opening of the church, God has blessed us. Not to say we haven’t had our fair share of battles though. The Lord has always kept us and continues to add to his congregation.

Wednesday: 7pm
​​Sunday School: 10am
​Sunday: 7pm